Friday 15 February 2013

Mickey Mouse's Valentine

My shoot on Wednesday went fantastically well despite it being an incredibly long day. I'm so happy that it all came together as I had spent a lot of time preparing for it! 

I was really excited about the shoot. Working with fantastic people and being creative again. Woohoo. During the preparation for the shoot I used different internet search engines and magazines to look for inspiration on my two themes including a copy of the Digital SLR Photography magazine from 2006 which my boyfriend kindly bought me from the "book barn" a few weeks ago, where everything was £1.00! On Sunday I uploaded some of the best photographs that I found using Google that I believe were the most relevant to my themes: Preparation for Wednesday's Shoot.


Sophie wanted to do the Valentine's Day theme as the 14th was the day after. With this theme Jody included different shades of red and pink as they are the colours associated with love, but she also included some silver above Sophie's eyes to emphasise them. From doing my research I knew what sort of images I wanted to produce so I decided that I wanted her hair down in order to produce a 'fan' effect with her hair. With some photographs I knew that I wanted little flowers stuck into Sophie's hair, so my Madre (Mum) had sown some little rose buds onto hair grips to make them easier to stick in, otherwise they would have fallen out. These were so easy to use in photographs and it is proof that sometimes the little things are the most important. We also used a variety of other accessories including candy love hearts sweets to form a necklace, little gems, and big hair flowers that my Madre produced. I enjoyed using the candy love hearts to form a necklace as it was something very different, thank you Jody for suggesting the idea. It worked very well, so I'm glad that I didn't eat them all.

Not only was I behind the camera during the photo shoot, but I was in front as well! I'm so used to being behind the camera that it was ever so strange to be in front of it, but I tried to give it a go. I liked so many make up ideas that I had seen during my research that I asked Jody to try and reproduce a specific photograph using different coloured gems, a bit of mascara and lipgloss, so nothing too drastic. I enjoyed including the heart shaped balloons in my photographs as they were fun and interesting.


I think Jorden was excited to try out the Mickey Mouse face paint theme as it is not something that is usually seen in photo shoots. During my research I had found a similar photograph that I wanted to try and replicate. Harriet is very clever as I have worked with her before so I knew that she would be very precise about getting it right. First she drew the outline on the face, then filled in the blacks and whites - it took her over an hour to produce! The photographs that we were making involved a lot of contrast because of Jorden's outfit, the colour of her hair, and the face paint so Alex came up with the idea of throwing a balloon into the image to add a bit of colour. As it was nearing Valentine's we decided to use the heart shaped balloons. I think it worked really well, but what do you think?


Alex even had a go at being in front of the camera! She had been so helpful during the shoot that I wanted her to have her make up done and have a go at being a model. Harriet included different shades of purple and green for this look calling it a "mermaid look" as when Alex's eyes were open the eyeshadow looked purple, but when they were closed, it looked green, it was very clever. I think that this make up suited Alex.

Some 'behind the scenes' images...

From top left to bottom right photo credit: Alex Compton, Alex Compton, Jody Amner, Alex Compton.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this shoot a success; Alex for helping me with the lighting, Harriet and Jody for creating such great make up, and Sophie and Jorden for modelling. If anyone is looking for great make up artists then I would definitely recommend Harriet and Jody, they work well individually, but also as a team.

I think all of these images and themes work really well on each model, but what do you think? Do you agree? 

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